Calle 14 #3-70, Oficina 303, Barrio La Playa, Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. (+57) 607 500 9631

Faq • BeBetter Developers

I am going to list just a few reasons that I believe will support why your business should have a website.

1. SMBs can significantly increase their sales by having an effective website.

2. Reach a wider audience, clearly showing your services.

Generate confidence to your potential customers by shortening sales cycles.

4. Have a platform optimized for Google, with which to carry out advertising campaigns to enhance your marketing strategy.

Static web pages: Ideal for displaying advertising or informative information, forums, blogs, online stores or E-commerce and payment gateways.

Dynamic web pages: To this type correspond the webs 2.0, 3.0 as is the case of Google and social networks. They differ because they include interaction with the user and can be nourished with databases: applications, registration forms, multimedia resources, require programming, design and development of content much more complex than in the static ones.

The hosting is the lodging or the equivalent to your local - office and the domain, is the address that you must give to your clients or visitors so that they arrive to your local.

The domain and hosting can be with different providers, this is not a problem since the DNS address can be configured in such a way that it is directed to the hosting where the web is hosted. It is essential that you have the domain administrator password, in case you do not have it and it is difficult to access it through the person who made the domain reservation management, you must start a recovery process with the provider.

In the market there are different providers, we can talk to you with those we have worked with or recommended by other web developers or trusted marketers: Siteground, Godaddy, Hostgator, Webempresa. But we recommend that you leave your trust in us to manage the best service for your hosting and we support you in managing your domain name with our trusted providers.

It is important that you are convinced of the importance of having a website for your business, I can quickly cite 3 benefits it brings:

1. Visibility 24 hours a day 365 days a week.

2. Trust, the current consumer's behavior always pushes him to check the existence of the company before contacting.

3. Possibility through a strategy to capture sales opportunities and increase the income of your business.

Once you have confirmed that this is an important project for your business and that it deserves all your attention, basically you will need to start:

This depends on two factors:

1. The type of design you choose, if it is a custom development under a native code, that is, a web developer creating all the code for your website.

2. The company you reply to will have some established procedures that will allow them to give you some time.

The first thing we are going to see is what is responsive. A website is responsive when it adapts to the different mobile devices from which it can be accessed.

If what you offer your customers are services, the website will serve to show what you want to sell, you can also integrate your sales process on the web to lead the user to connect with your sales department or to leave you their data so that you do it directly.

Go ahead, quote your website with us.