Calle 14 #3-70, Oficina 303, Barrio La Playa, Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. (+57) 607 500 9631

Terms & Conditions • BeBetter Developers

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Terms & Conditions

This Legal Notice contains the following topics as “Terms and Conditions” of Web use:

– General Conditions of Use
– Intellectual and Commercial Property
– Limitation of Liability
– Applicable Legislation and Competent Courts
– Services and Products
– Users and communications

Be Better Developers SAS, with NIT number 9012356426, is a company of legal form: Sociedad por Acciones Simplificadas (Simplified Joint Stock Company) under Colombian law.

This company is the owner of the domain name (hereinafter, the “Website”) and its business address is,

Address: CALLE 14 3 70 OF 303, CUCUTA, NORTE SANTANDER, Colombia.

Phone: +57 9012356426


1. General Conditions of Use

1.1. The User voluntarily accesses this website, which implies that he/she will use it in accordance with this legal notice, the law, morality, good faith and/or good customs.

1.2. The use of this website implies acceptance of this legal notice.

1.3. The web pages of this website can be freely visited by Users and do not require prior subscription or registration of Users, except to enter the private area for professionals or service providers and customers where it will be necessary to create a profile and obtain a username and password.

1.4. Be Better Developers SAS reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice without prior notice, therefore, and for a correct use of the website, we recommend that you periodically visit this section.

2. Intellectual and Commercial Property

© 2022 Be Better Developers. All rights reserved | Design and Development: Be Better Developers identifies the services and products created by Be Better Developers SAS.

2.1. The “Web Site” and the contents included in it: articles, texts, images, logos, brands, buttons, software, etc. are protected by the current legislation on industrial and intellectual property and are property of Be Better Developers SAS or of third parties who have authorized Be Better Developers SAS to use them, and their exploitation without the authorization of Be Better Developers SAS is expressly forbidden.

2.2. Access to the “Web Site” does not imply, in any case, the acquisition by the Users of any property right over the contents contained therein.

2.3. Be Better Developers SAS reserves the right to modify, update or delete any of the contents of this website at any time and without prior notice.

2.4. This data is also valid for the followers page of:




3. Limitation of liability

3.1. Be Better Developers SAS reserves the right to interrupt access to its website, as well as the provision of any service through the same at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, maintenance or any other reason.

3.2. Be Better Developers SAS shall not be held responsible in case of interruption of the service, delay or malfunction and other inconveniences that have their origin in causes beyond the control of Be Better Developers SAS and/or are due to a wilful or culpable action of the User and/or have their origin in causes of force majeure.

3.3. The information contained in this website may not be correct, despite the efforts made to ensure its accuracy and updating. Consequently, Be Better Developers SAS shall not be held liable for any errors contained therein, nor for any damages arising from its use.

3.4. The “Web Site” may contain links to other web sites for whose content, usefulness or accuracy Be Better Developers SAS cannot be held responsible. The inclusion of a link in the “Website” cannot be considered a recommendation to the Users to proceed to its use, the decision to use them is the responsibility of the latter.

3.5. Be Better Developers SAS shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of this website or its contents, and does not guarantee the absence of viruses or the impossibility of causing damage to the User’s computer systems.

3.6. Be Better Developers SAS is not responsible for any misuse that may be made of this website.

4. Applicable Law and Competent Courts

4.1. The conditions of the “Web Site” and the relations between the User and Be Better Developers SAS shall be governed by Colombian legislation and jurisdiction.

4.2. For any discrepancy that may arise between the User and Be Better Developers SAS both parties submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Cúcuta (Colombia).

5. Services and products

The services and products offered and disclosed by Be Better Developers SAS through the “Web Site” are:

  • – Web design and development

    – Design and development of mobile Apps

    – Design and development of virtual stores, marketplaces and E-commerce processes.

    – Development of Software Engineering solutions

    – Web positioning and SEO audits

    – Social media marketing campaigns

    – Newsletter and blog management for companies

6. Users and communications

In general, the User agrees to comply with the conditions set forth in this LEGAL NOTICE, as well as, where appropriate, to the particular conditions that may apply to the services or products requested through the “Web Site”. Likewise, the User undertakes to act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using the diligence appropriate to the nature of the service he/she enjoys, refraining from using the “Web Site” in any way that may impede, damage or deteriorate the normal operation of the same, the goods or rights of Be Better Developers SAS, its suppliers, the rest of the Users or, in general, of any third party.

In particular, and without this implying any restriction to the obligations assumed by the User in general established in the previous section, the User undertakes in its use of the “Website”, as well as in the provision of services managed through the same, to:

6.1. In the event of registration, you agree to provide truthfully the requested data and to keep them updated and consider the knowledge and application of the Data Policy contained in the following Section 7.

6.2. Not to enter, store or disseminate on or from the “Web Site”, any information or material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, inciting violence, discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy or the image of others.

6.3. Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the “Web Site” any software, data, virus, code, or any other electronic or physical instrument or device that may cause damage to the “Web Site”, to any of the services managed, or to any of the equipment, systems or networks of Be Better Developers SAS, of any User, of the suppliers of Be Better Developers SAS, or in general, of any third party.

6.4. In the case of registering for the use of any service or the request of any product, the User agrees to adequately safeguard the “User name” or “email address” and the “password” provided for its use as a means of identification and enabling access to such services, agreeing not to transfer its use or to allow access to them by third parties, assuming responsibility for any damages that may arise from improper use of the same. Likewise, the user agrees to notify Be Better Developers SAS as soon as possible of their loss or theft, or the mere suspicion of their use by a third party.

6.5. Not to carry out advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation activities through the “Web Site”, nor to use the contents or information obtained through the same to send advertising, send messages for direct sales purposes or for any other commercial purpose.

6.6. Not to use false identities, or impersonate the identity of others in the use of the “Web Site”, or in the use of any of the services offered therein, including the use of passwords or access codes of other Users.

6.7. Not to use, destroy, alter, render useless or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of Be Better Developers SAS, its suppliers or third parties.

6.8. Not to enter, store or disseminate through the “Web Site” any content that infringes intellectual property rights, industrial or intimate, personal or confidential information of third parties, or in general any data which does not hold, in accordance with current legislation, the right to make it available to a third party.

6.9. To manage communications that may be required between Be Better Developers SAS and the Users, the latter should send an e-mail to

6.10. Be Better Developers SAS informs the User that for the computation of all deadlines specified in working days within the “Web Site”, Saturdays and Sundays, national holidays, as well as local holidays that are set annually for the city of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander (Colombia) will be excluded.

6.11. The communications from Be Better Developers SAS to the User will be made according to the data provided by the User when registering in the “Web Site”, or in its case, by the address that appears in the last written communication sent by the User.

6.12. The User expressly accepts and for all communications related to the use of the “Web Site”, and/or the contracting of the services offered in the same, the use of electronic mail as a valid procedure for the remission of such communications. Likewise, he/she accepts as a valid means of communication the advertisements posted directly on the “Web Site”.

Last update: (Terms and Conditions), November 2022. Be Better Developers SAS.